Wednesday, February 19, 2020

What are we seeking?

Pleasure. A feeling of happy satisfaction or enjoyment.

We all seek it. We all find it in food, in sex, in exercise, in whatever gives us contentment. Some of us seek pleasure in places that cause us to be overweight, underweight, in debt....the list could go on. We seek pleasure in things that are disloyal. Things that will eventually lose their buzz.

Here's the kicker--God did not create us to find pleasure in this world. We were not designed to find pleasure in food when we're stressed, or to find contentment in our worldly desires. We were designed to find joy and peace in Christ.

So when we're stressed. When we are in need of something that will give us enjoyment, we shouldn't be seeking after the things of this world. All of those pleasurable experiences will end. We will stop finding our contentment in things once enjoyable. Christ, however, and the joy and peace we find in Him, is never ending. It never ceases.

We were created by an awe inspiring creator to worship Him. Not creation. He created us to bring glory to Him. At the end of the day our joy and the fulfillment of our desires should be found in Him.

So short and Christ. Find joy in Christ. For He did not create us to find happiness, but he did create us to find joy.

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